So, I decided that rather than spamming everyone's Facebook feed with recaps of my year, resolutions I won't stick to and the ever so frequently seen "I'm glad to see the back of 2013," type status, I should, instead, sum it all up in a blog so that people can happily ignore it if they feel so inclined.
Firstly, 2013 has had ups and downs, but I'm very happy to report that this year has had many, many more ups than downs. I'll go over the downs first so that I can lighten to mood with the ups afterwards!
The start of this year was a tumultuous time that lacked any kind of direction whatsoever. I was scared and anxious about the future that I was struggling to create for M and I. I was lost. This time last year I received a text message from M's father, with whom I had been separated from for three months, asking me out on a date. I thought it over, and being scared and lonely I decided to say yes, and in truth, we had enjoyed Christmas in each other's company. We laughed a lot and were friends again after a rather unpleasant few months. I visited with Matilda and we had quite a nice weekend together. He secretly planned a trip to Paris for him and I, with the help of my parents, for Valentine's Day. The thought was there, but most of the trip was spent arguing and myself receiving a myriad of odd comments about my jacket, my ears, my face in general, the fact that I am "literally always fucking complaining." We had one more weekend "date" after that before I realised that our efforts were almost entirely pointless. Our friendship declined into nothing after that, and hasn't improved since. I try my best to laugh and joke with him to lighten the atmosphere when we have to see each other at a "handover," but he is unable to reciprocate. He has said himself that it will take him some time to act "normal" around me, but I don't think it will ever happen. The damage is done.
My anxiety has had some of its darker days this year and I was put onto anti depressants... twice, both of which made me infinitely worse.
Fin. Done and dusted. Onto the ups.
In April of this year, I decided what I wanted to do with myself. I was going to apply to go back into education. Slowly gazing down the list of available courses at the city college, one stood out. A shining beacon in the dark. Hairdressing. I had spent the last 12 years of my life messing about with my own hair, my friends hair, my mothers hair... That was it. That was what I wanted to do. I applied. A few months later I was invited for an interview, and was told on the spot that I would be offered a place. I excitedly called my mother on the bus home and did some squealing and some tearing up. The course has been exactly what I had hoped it would be and more, and it's going incredibly well. I've finally found my calling.
In the Spring I decided to join a dating website. I know, I know... but let's face it, being a single mother with no hobbies that involve other people doesn't make for a particularly thrilling social life. I spoke to a few interesting people who were fun to chat to, but nobody stood out. There were also a couple of total mutters, one of which used "I like the skin on your face" as an opener. I can only assume that he had planned to peel it away from my skull and wear it like a mask to his next birthday party. He didn't get a response. Enter THE BOY. His opening message had nothing to do with my face skin, his desire to "do me up da bum," (no, I'm not joking, I got that one as well. Smooth, I know.) or that I was "smokin' hot lol." Being the first one to actually read my entire bio (and it was long,) he asked me questions, cracked some jokes and (as only the shallow side of me will admit) was very, very cute as a bonus. I read through his profile and realised that he was essentially a male version of myself. Had I not been relatively sound of mind, I would have assumed that I had invented him. I sent a message back as quickly as my fingers would go and spent the next few days checking my inbox every three seconds to see if he had replied. We exchanged numbers after a time and spent almost every night texting back and forth about anything and everything. We discussed meeting, but being that we were four hours apart, we decided not to. I was handed a golden ticket in the form of a toddler-free weekend and invited him to the city for a day out. A huge part of me was scared that we wouldn't live up to each other's expectations because we had managed to grow so close so quickly. The other part of me was worried that we would exceed them. The idea of falling for someone who lives down the road is far more appealing than somebody you would hardly ever get to see. The visit turned into two visits, one after the other. They were two of the most incredibly lovely days I've ever had. While we have managed to exceed said loveliness in days since, I won't ever forget them. We get to see each other fortnightly, and I can safely say that I have never, in my 26 years on this earth, been even half as happy as I am now.
Matilda has continued to surprise me with her awesomeness. She grows and develops every day, and I couldn't be more proud of the person she is becoming.
I am finally getting more of a hold on my anxiety. I won't go into detail as we'll be here all night, but it feels nice.
And now for 2014...
This year I will not be making 101 vague, sweeping gestures about TRYING to "get healthy" or "exercise" or "cut back on x, y and z." This year I want to make small changes with big impact.
I will smile more and frown less. Ignore more and worry less. Laugh more and shout less.
I will learn to pick my battles and respond to them wisely.
I will breathe more slowly and calmly and sleep more deeply because of it.
I will drink LESS things that rot my insides. I'm looking at you, Coca Cola.
I will eat smaller portions. Not for weight loss, but to feel better internally and to avoid hating myself after every meal.
I will go to bed at a reasonable time.
I will enjoy cuddles and playtime and worry less about things being tidy.
I will keep a journal (I'm already on my way with this one, thanks to my delicious new Christmas gadget.) full of the happier parts of my day.
I will finally get a tattoo. Don't worry dad, it will be tiny. Probably.
I will learn to care less about the opinions of people I'll a) never see again and b) don't care to see again.
I will tell Matilda firmly and more frequently that she is wonderful. That she is my best friend. That I love her.
I will learn to make the most of every minute that I get to spend with the boy. There aren't enough of them, just yet.
I will work above and beyond as far as my future career is concerned. THIS, I am going to do right.
I will pretend that the future doesn't exist; stop worrying about the what ifs and appreciate and handle the things that are happening TODAY.
I am going to stand my ground.
Above all, I am going to smile a lot more, because if 2014 is anything like 2013... I'll have many reasons to do so.
Happy New Year to you and your families. *clink*